Categorías: AwarenessEnglish

What have you always wanted in life?

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”

Langston Hughes

What you Always Wanted

What have you always wanted in life? Would you be doing the same if money were no obstacle? How would you spend your days?

These are questions only you can answer. They are not all, I am sure, but are the starting point to clarity, to rediscover your true passion. You see, your answers will be clearing the path, setting the compass, and drawing the map. They will also fuel you when you need motivation along the way.

Your answers to these questions and the search in the tangled trunk of your “dormant dreams” will bring out the true reasons for what you breathe and live.

Balance and Congruency in Your Spheres of Influence

First of all, your reasons, the “Why” you do everything you do, will provide the sense for all the spheres of influence in your life. It will bring balance and congruency, leading to a life of happiness, achievement, significance, and legacy.

Spheres of Influence

In fact, here are your initial questions again. I am going to ask you to jot down your insights as you read on. There is great power in the action of not just thinking about it but writing them. Do not underestimate this.

Meanwhile, take your time, it is very important, but do not take long, remember the clock is ticking. Revisit your deepest dreams, go back to your childhood memories, find the broken-winged bird, and heal its wing.

Something to Think About and Act

Now, here are your questions- Once again, remember to jot them down:

First, what have you always wanted in life?

Second, how would you spend your days?|

Third, what would you be doing if money were no obstacle?

All right, you are back.

Fianlly, What did you find?

Now you have some of the raw material to start not only designing your dream life but making it your everyday life. 

So, what is your dream life?

You heard me right!  I am pretty sure that if I asked you what’s your idea for a perfect house, the house of your dreams, after giving it a little thought you would come out not just with the idea, but even with a rough plan of it.

Your Dream Life

Now, what is your idea of a dream life? How is each day of your ideal life? Now is design time.

Take your journal, or notebook and write. Just write freely. Don´t think about if it make sense or not, nor grammarly correct. just let it out of your mind and soul. It is for your eyes only.

If possible, share your findings on the comment section below

Please leave your comments or let us know what resonated with you. I will be in touch before our next balcony chat. I will make sure coffee is hot and wine is cool. Enjoy life!

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Jaime Ballestas

Hola. Soy Jaime Ballestas, Coach, maestro y emprendedor. Disfruto leer, escribir, caminar entre la naturaleza y admirar la creación. Claridad, propósito de vida, metas y sueños son temas que me apasionan y que aquí discutiremos. Mi propósito es ayudar a los demás a encontrar claridad, a que descubran su propósito de vida, y alcancen sus metas y sueños. Uno de mis objetivos es ayudar al mayor número posible de personas a convertirse en la mejor versión de si mismos. Otro objetivo es ayudarles a crecer día tras día. La felicidad es un viaje, por lo tanto, hay segundas e incluso terceras oportunidades, para vivir la vida al máximo. Espero que vengas a visitar a menudo. Siempre eres bienvenido. Hablaremos abiertamente sobre lo trascendente pero también sobre lo mundano. sobre los llamados temas “pesados” y “ligeros”. En otras palabras, nos divertiremos mientras crecemos juntos, tomando café o una copa de vino, en nuestras charlas en el balcón.

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