«Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or greater Benefit.»
Napoleon Hill
It is not easy to clearly see the benefits that lie hidden in adversities, the so-called failures, and heartaches. But there are. If you start looking for them and fill yourself with patience and optimism you will see them blossom. You and I need to see life through those lenses. The first benefit is the peace you will experience during the storm. Keep in mind, that it too shall pass.
Mr. Hill says that every failure is a blessing in disguise, providing it teaches some needed lesson one could not have learned without it. And when he adds that most so-called Failures are only temporary defeats, I could not agree more. What other way is there to grow as a person? To become stronger? Smarter? More mature? Confident and safe?
Now, if you begin using these lenses your perspective of life changes. That is a good start. Then, Patience. Many failures could have become successes if the person implicated had held on another minute or made more effort.
But, what differentiates the people who discover growth in these events or happenings from those who do not? There are countless mechanisms implicated. And not surprisingly, mentality and attitude take center stage as we have observed.
People’s ability to discover the route up rests mainly on how they consider the cards they have been dealt with. The strategies that most frequently lead to growing after having traumatic experiences, adversities, failures, or heartaches are the positive reinterpretation of the circumstances or events, optimism, and acceptance.
As one group of scientists explain, “it appears that it is not the type of event per se that influences post-traumatic growth, but rather the subjective experience of the event.” In other terms, the individuals who can be the most successful to get themselves up off the mat are those who define themselves not by what has occurred to them, but by what they can make out of what has occurred.
In other words, every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or greater Benefit.
In summary, keep in mind that there is a vast difference between failure and temporary defeat.
Please leave your comments or let us know what resonated with you. I will be in touch before our next balcony chat. I will make sure coffee is hot and wine is cool. Enjoy life!
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