Life of your dreams

The life of your dreams. Still Procrastinating it?

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

Oprah Winfrey

All right, plain and straight, Are you living the life of your dreams? Have you got what you always wanted in life? Are you satisfied with where your social life, your finances, your career, your health, your well-being, your personal growth, and education are? Is what you have now in all the spheres of your life that you wanted to have this day?

Probably not. You see, 9 out of 10 people are not satisfied with the lives they are living. They hate their jobs, they are far from doing what they are or were passionate about. Nine out of ten people are not happy with their physical condition, with their health, with their role as a family member, with the way their social life is going. They feel they are not growing. It is a reality, 9 out of 10 people are stagnant. And they do nothing about it!

Are you living the life of your dreams?

Let me ask you something. Are you one of the nine? Better still, let me ask you again: Are you living the life of your dreams? Life is not a hand of badly shuffled cards you were dealt with or an obscure role in a cheap movie that you have to play. You must feel good about your life.

Now, If you were to pass away at this very minute, would you leave in peace, happy, with no regrets? Or would you ask for an opportunity, for a second chance?

The good news is that today you can decide to grasp a second chance, an opportunity to act and change direction. Today you can decide to embark yourself on the biggest adventure of your life. Your real life. The life of your dreams.

Establishing The Route

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?»
«That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.»
«I don’t much care where –»
«Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

First step to live the life of your dreams

The first step of your journey is to establish “where you want to go”. Having a crystal clear destination is crucial. As you know, If you don’t know where you are going any road can take you there. To find your “destination” you must stop, get off the treadmill for a while and start dreaming again.

Remember when you were a child? When you were young you dreamed freely! You dreamed of great things in your life. Maybe you saw yourself traveling around the world, or involved in a particular occupation or trade, maybe living in a splendid mansion, surrounded by luxury and comfort or as a missionary with the tribes of the Amazon. You were the pilot who crossed the skies, the scientist or the doctor who saved lives, the adventurer in a journey by the African steppes, the Harley rider on the highway, watching the most beautiful landscapes in the world and in total freedom. Dear friend, you know better than me! you were capable of anything, you dreamed freely!

Where are those dreams now?

In short, you grew up! Where are those dreams now? How many of them are a reality in your life? How many, like the morning haze, dissipated? Conformity probably took its share burying a great deal of those ideals that made your heart beat faster and your mind fly afar. Circumstances may have pushed you to settle for whatever life brought. And you accepted it like it was your inevitable fate. Decisions made in the past that seemed the right thing at the time probably placed you in a roller coaster cart outside your control. Thus, you found yourself living at the mercy and will of others. The worst part, you probably thought it´s got to be like that for the remaining of your days.

In short, my friend, the truth is that is up to you, and only you, to bury your dream life for good, or make the life of your dreams a reality. It is just a matter of deciding what you want for yourself from this day on.

To sum up, you can leave things as they are, stay in your comfort zone and do nothing, like the frog that fell on the pot of warm water and felt lucky not realizing that the pot was being brought to a boil; or you can 1,2,3 take action, take a step forward onto the not so easy but extraordinary journey of living life the way you were meant to live it.

Life is not a rehearsal

In conclusion, life is short, ridiculously short, even if you get to live up to 100 years, isn’t it still short? Now, let’s say you get to live up to be 80. How many years have you got left? How do you want them to be?

If not now, when?

I am telling you this because I believe you can live your dream life too if you so decide. Your life can be in balance, there can be a congruency between your dreams and your reality. I will be at your side leading you to find days of plenitude and joy, a life of fulfillment.

Yes, You too can live up to your dreams. Henry Ford once said: “If you think you can, or you think you cant, both ways you are right”

Please leave your comments or let us know what resonated with you. I will be in touch before our next balcony chat. I will make sure coffee is hot and wine is cool. Enjoy life!

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Hola. Soy Jaime Ballestas, Coach, maestro y emprendedor. Disfruto leer, escribir, caminar entre la naturaleza y admirar la creación. Claridad, propósito de vida, metas y sueños son temas que me apasionan y que aquí discutiremos. Mi propósito es ayudar a los demás a encontrar claridad, a que descubran su propósito de vida, y alcancen sus metas y sueños. Uno de mis objetivos es ayudar al mayor número posible de personas a convertirse en la mejor versión de si mismos. Otro objetivo es ayudarles a crecer día tras día. La felicidad es un viaje, por lo tanto, hay segundas e incluso terceras oportunidades, para vivir la vida al máximo. Espero que vengas a visitar a menudo. Siempre eres bienvenido. Hablaremos abiertamente sobre lo trascendente pero también sobre lo mundano. sobre los llamados temas “pesados” y “ligeros”. En otras palabras, nos divertiremos mientras crecemos juntos, tomando café o una copa de vino, en nuestras charlas en el balcón.

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